Rabu, 25 November 2020

The Importance of Learning Arabic

The Importance of Learning Arabic

Among the many foreign languages ​​you can learn, why do you need to learn Arabic? Indeed, for some people, this is not an easy language to learn. For native English speakers, these languages ​​also have nothing in common. Therefore, an English speaker will find it difficult to learn. But on the positive side, learning Arabic offers several benefits.

If you think about the advantages of learning Arabic, it will be worth the effort and time you put into learning the language.


Arabic is a South-Central Semitic (Near-East region) language. This language is spoken in most of the Arabian Peninsula, parts of the Middle East and North Africa. In this region, the languages ​​with the most number of speakers are in the order; Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Kurdish and Hebrew. These languages ​​belong to different language families. Turks are part of the Turkish family. Hebrew and Arabic belong to the Afro-Asian language family. Apart from these main languages, people in the Middle East speak some 20 minority languages.

Arabic is a macro language that has 30 modern dialects or variations. Literary Arabic, which is also called Standard Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), is used today in formal and written speech in the Arab world, whereas Classical Arabic is used in Islamic literature in the 7th to 9th centuries. -Qur'an.

The basis of Modern Standard Arabic is the classical version, however, the differences between the two relate to the simplification and modernization of writing and speaking styles. MSA is used in modern versions of the Qur'an and modern editions of novels and poetry from the Abbasid and Umayyad periods.

Reasons to Learn Arabic

Arabic is the fourth most spoken language in the world. About 315 million people in 58 countries speak Arabic as their first language, according to Ethnologue.

Here are the reasons for the need to learn Arabic:

[1] Learning Arabic and mastering it will make you stand out, especially if you mix in European society, as very few Westerners speak Arabic. This ability makes you appear smart and sophisticated.

[2] Learning a language is learning about the culture of the country where it is spoken. Arabic culture is very rich and interesting. Especially in the post-Islamic period, there were so many works of scientific bases in Arabic. Learning the language will allow you to read some of the most famous classical literature. If you are a fan of stories like Aladdin, Ali Baba and Sindbad the Sailor, as well as stories of One Thousand and One Nights (Alf laylah wa laylah), you can enjoy in the original version.

[3] You will be able to benefit economically. The abundant natural resources in the Middle East and in Arabic will open many job positions for you.

[4] You will be able to experience true Arabic hospitality. Arabs are very proud of their language. In contrast to Germans who are not impressed when foreigners can speak their language, the opposite is shown by Arabs. Once a native Arabic speaker hears a foreigner speak a few Arabic words, they will be very excited and happy to help you learn their language.

[5] When you learn Arabic, you will be able to appreciate the way of life, cuisine, literature, music and arts that are unique to the region. You will open the door to their rich culture that is not frequently exposed to the Western world. You will value their cultural practices and products and understand the values ​​that mean a lot to them, such as friendliness, dignity and respect.

[6] You will be able to understand the teachings of Islam better if you can read the Qur'an, Hadith, and explanatory books from Muslim scholars to understand its teachings.

[7] You will have an edge over the competition even if you are in the West. The demand for fluent Arabic speakers is quite high and few people from the West are trying to learn Arabic. The secret service in the US requires people who are fluent in Arabic. There are many businesses, including translating and interpreting that require Arabic speakers. Other areas requiring Arabic speakers include intelligence and foreign services, consulting, banking and finance, education and journalism.

[8] When you know Arabic, it will be easier for you to learn other languages ​​spoken in the region, such as Persian, Turkish, Urdu and even Hebrew. Most of the vocabulary of these languages ​​comes from and is similar to Arabic words, so you will be able to quickly grasp the semantic and grammatical concepts of other languages.

[9] Traveling to the Middle East would be much easier. A large number of Arabs speak English but most of the population only uses Arabic as their primary language. Even if you can only pronounce common words and phrases, it is better to speak the local language. This will help you appreciate traditional villages and other places of interest.

[10] If you are an American, you can take advantage of the financial incentives that the US government provides for people interested in learning Arabic. The government has stated that Arabic is a language of strategic importance, there is promotion of the learning of several languages ​​which is very important for foreign policy and government relations. It provides study opportunities and scholarships for those interested in learning critical languages. Such support includes courses from beginner to advanced level, professional development, teacher exchanges, opportunities for intensive teaching and study abroad programs. You can check out the scholarships available from the Critical Language Scholarship Program, Boren Award from the National Security Education Program and the Arabic Language Abroad Excellence Program.

[11] If you are planning to join a trading company, import-export company or get involved in your own business, many opportunities are available in Arab countries. Its population is growing and with a very large GDP it is the main market for the export of services and goods. Learning Arabic and the culture of the language-speaking people will make it easier for you to negotiate and do business.

[12] Arabic-speaking countries contributed significantly to global civilization.  They have an extensive library preserving lessons from Byzantine, Roman and Greek culture. 

[13] You acquire vital language skills when you study Arabic. It is easier to learn French or Spanish and these languages ​​will allow you to travel or work in different countries, especially in Europe. If you are studying Arabic, you are sure that there will be a huge demand for your language skills as they are in short supply. Furthermore, if you are studying Mandarin for example, your career focus will only be in a few countries, whereas if you are studying Arabic your chances are wider because it is spoken in 58 countries.

Interesting right? So when do you take the steps to learn it?

Kamis, 24 September 2020

Aku adalah Ahmad tanpa Mim

Aku adalah Ahmad tanpa Mim

#makrifat #Syariaat #Kajian #rasulullah

Kajian Ilmu hati adalah kajian ilmu Tazkiyatun Nafs dan kajian ayat ayat tauhid yang di laksanakan secara online di setiap hari ahad, senin dan rabu.

Di kajian Tatbiq (Kajian ayat ayat tauhid) selain mengkaji makna ayat nya disini belajar praktek pengaplikasian ilmu Bahasa Arab (gramatikal). Di kajian Tazkiyatun Nafs memakai modul kitab “Melihat Allah di Dunia dan di Surga”

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Hakikat,makrifat,syariat,ihsan,ilmu hati,kh a shohib khaironi,sufi,tasawuf,kajian,Mustaqilli,ceramah islam,belajar islam,cak nun,buya syakur yasin,gus mus,gus baha,hijrah,quraish shihab,rumi,islam,agama,damai,sunnah,salaf,kajian sunnah,dunia,akhirat,mati,dzikir,istigfar,allah,rasulullah,habib novel alaydrus,habib,habib lutfi,maiyah,kenduri cinta,melihat allah,ust yusuf Mansur,buya yahya,fahrudin faiz,ngaji filsafat,oemar mita,kajian tazkiyatun nafs

Minggu, 03 November 2019

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Rabu, 04 April 2018

The Secret of the 10 Literary Beauty of the Holy Qur'an

The Secret of the 10 Literary Beauty of the Holy Qur'an

For the believer, every thing contained in the holy verses of the Qur'an is an absolute miracle. Starting from the content of meaning as a mercy for the whole universe (shalih li kulli era eat wa).

Even the various miracles are in every sentence selection, word, even in every letter of the Qur'an though.

For that, Abu al-Hayyan al-Andalusi, the author of Tafsir al-Bahru al-Muhithfi-Tafsir, as quoted by Mufassir Muhammad Ali ash-Shabuni, specifically explains the literary beauty of the Holy Qur'an from the Bayan . Here's the explanation:

One: The opening and the beautiful beginning (husnu al-iftitah wa bara'ah al-mathla '). Nothing else because surah al-Fatihah was started by lafadz "bismillah". The great name of God that every Muslim deserves to bless the name by constantly reciting His name

Second: Perfect praise to Allah (al-mubalaghah fi ats-tsana). It is seen from the use of alim lam (makrifah) in the word "al-hamdu". By Abu al-Hayyan, the compliment by itself dimmed and eliminated all others outside the Khaliq.

Third: Variations of khithab (talwin al-khithab). At a glance the word "al-hamdu lillahi" is the uslub khabar (statement) which means praise to Allah. However, with the subtlety of the language of the Qur'an, he is actually interpreted as a command and obligation to every servant to extend praise and thanks to God.

Fourth: The meaning of al-ikhtishash (specializing). It is marked by the existence of the alim lam on the word "lillahi" which means that all praise can only be possessed by Allah and no one has the right to possess it other than Allah.

Fifth: The existence of al-hazf (partial removal of words). In this there is the word "shirath" in the word of God "ghairi al-maghdhubi alaihim wa la adh-dhallin". Originally, the sentence goes like this: "ghairi shirath al-maghdhubi alaihim" is not the way of the wrathful and "ghairi shirath adh-dhallin" not the way of the lost (keep the word shirath).

Sixth: There is taqdim (put forward) and ta'khir (mengakhir). This occurs in the verse "iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in". Because the origin of the sentence that can be simplified like this, "na'budu iyyaka wa nasta'inu iyyaka.". The beauty of the same language occurs in the verse "ghairi al-maghdhubi alaihim wa la adh-dhallin".

Seventh: Explain what was previously disguised (at-tashrih ba'da al-ibham). Subtlety of the language can be enjoyed in the verse "ihdina ash-shirath al-mustaqim, shirath al-ladzina an'amta alaihim". Where the meaning of the straight path (ash-shirath al-mustaqim) is explained by the next sentence, ie the path of those whom You give pleasure (shirath al-ladzina an'amta alaihim)

Eighth: Attract focus and attention (al-iltifat). This very subtle language sensation can be felt in the verse "iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in". That (really) only to You we worship and (really) only to You we ask for help.
Kursus Bahasa Arab

Ninth: Asking for something without intending to get it, but simply asking for the continuation and existence of it. An example is found in the verse "ihdina ash-shirath al-mustaqim". That when a servant pleads in the prayer does not mean he does not have a guidance and do not know the straight path. But he prayed that the guidance would always sprout in his heart and he was able to tread the straight path that had stretched before him.

Tenth: There is a beautiful harmony at the end of each word. It can be enjoyed in the phrase "ar-rahman ar-rahim" with "ash-shirath al-mustaqim". You can say these two sentences are both ending "im". * / Masykur Abu Jaulah

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Editor: Cholis Akbar